2 min readJun 29, 2018


Monthly Weigh-in and Weekly Update — Week 26 — Month 6

So, it’s time for my weight-in for the month! I said back at the beginning I wanted to switch to a monthly weigh-in as the number at this point doesn’t matter as much as the stuff I’m doing and how I am feeling. I know at this point I will get to my ideal weight goal and I know I will maintain it after. I have too much passion, drive, and care for my body that I will not let a cheat day ruin my amazing progress. So the results!

5/25 — 208

6/29 — 196

In the last month I lost 12lbs and in 6 months I have lost 83lbs. And to top it off… I hit below 200lbs which was my first year goal. I couldn’t be happier as it is just a perfect monthly loss. All I did was eat right and did casual walks. I did want to do more but I am worried to go too fast at this point. I am slowly adding in things so my body can bounce back. I’ve done some damage to my body and that is fine for me as all I want to be is healthy and proud of my body. I will not have a God Bod but I will have my own God Bod because of my journey and hard work I put into it.

As for the weekly update. I started to noticed I have become much more ravenous in wanting to eat. I may have figured it out. I had been using the same recipe for the majority of this month. It was me being lazy tbh. So I went to make other recipes that were much more filling and I feel much better and not starving feeling. Now I wasn’t honestly starving, I just felt like I was.

Another thing I notice is my body feels harder. Now get your mind out of the gutter 😜… I just mean I feel less fat and more muscle. It’s a weird feeling for me as I’ve never had the feeling before. I was always a soft fluffy guy. I have many people comment that my hugs are very cuddling like a pillow. 🤣 But it seems my body is starting to be more strong and “manly” I guess haha idk. Just thought I would note that.

Skin Care! Going Great! Don’t really have much to add as it’s doing what I thought it would be doing. Soft skin and feels tighter in some areas. 😊

Exercise… I want to plan something for July to add in a little bit of muscle training. Mainly for abs, chest, and arms but I don’t know how to go about it. I don’t worry too much on my legs as I never skipped leg day because I was carrying 80+ lbs on myself haha… we will see how that goes. I’ll look into it more on the weekend.

Overall! Fantastic month and superb first half of the year! I can only imagine what this next half will bring! Have an epic day! 😊

